
Cookies and privacy policy

Excellent Trinity Rooms uses cookies in order to guarantee the correct functioning of its procedures and improve the experience of using the services offered online and to collect information in aggregate form relating to visits to the site. This site does not use cookies for profiling purposes and this also in relation to the installation, through the site, third-party cookies that may be used by them in a completely autonomous way for their profiling purposes.

“Cookies” are small text file created on your computer when it accesses a particular site with the aim of storing and transporting information. Cookies are sent from a web server (which is the computer that is running the web site visited) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the latter computer; they are then re-sent to the website at the time of subsequent visits. During navigation, the user could receive on their terminal even cookies from different sites (so called "third party" cookie), set directly by operators of these web sites and used for the purposes and in the manner defined by these.

Responsible according to the law for data protection:

Trinity2016 Srl
Via di San Valentino 2
00197 ROME
VAT Code 13711631005
PEC address:
Cookies and third party content
Through this site some third party cookies, even of a profiling nature could be installed that are activated by clicking “Accept” on the banner. They contain the third party details as well as the links through which the user can receive more information and request to disable the cookies. We try to use only content which providers use such as the IP address to supply content. Nevertheless we have no control over third parties and their decision to save IP addresses for statistical purposes.
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics for mere statistical purposes. It is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ( "Google") that uses cookies, which are stored on the user's computer to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form in order to use the website visited.

The data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the information found here

To consult the privacy policy of the company Google Inc., owner of the stand-alone processing of data relating to the Google Analytics service, please visit their website

As expressly indicated by the Privacy Guarantor with the "Clarifications on the implementation of legislation on cookie" of June 5, 2015, sites that use, merely for statistical purposes, analytical cookies created and made available by third parties are not subject the obligations and duties required by law (notification to the Guarantor in particular) should be adopted instruments that can reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies we use (for example, by masking the IP address significant portions) and provided that the use of such cookies from being subject to contractual constraints between sites and third parties, in which it is expressly booster face engagement of the third part or to use them exclusively for the supply of the service, to store them separately and not to "enrich" or not "cross check them" with other information they have.

The owner of this site has decided to take advantage of the anonymity of the users IP provided by Google (described at the following link: function) and has accepted 'data Processing Amendment (Google Analytics data Processing Amendment v20130906) made available by Google Analytics in accordance with Directive 95/46 / EC, which Google will use the data according to customer requirements - site owner and do not share them with other additional services if it is not the same customer to request it through your service settings. On this point the user is informed that the owner of this site does not have Analytics linked to any additional service and that no advertising option or data sharing with Google enabled.

In the light of the measures adopted, the Google Analytics service, used by this site merely for statistical purposes, is activated landing, and does not require any consent from the user for the release of their cookies.

The following link there is a browser add-on to disable Google Analytics.
Detection and storage of other data
Other personal data is collected only if this information is supplied voluntarily, for example when a request is made. If you provide us with this personal data it will be used only to answer your questions, to execute contracts and for technical administration.
How to disable cookies on various browsers
If you wish you can allow, disable or eliminate cookies installed on your computer by modifying the settings on your browser. Below describes the different procedures depending on the type of browser you use.

  • Open Firefox
  • From the tool bar at the top of the browser, select “Tools” and then “Options”, then select “Privacy”
  • “History Settings” and then “Use custom settings”. Deselect “Accept cookies from sites” and save preferences
  • You can find further information at

Internet Explorer
  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Click the “Tools” button then “Internet Options”, select the “Privacy” tab and move the slider to the desired level of privacy you want to set (towards the top to block all cookies and to the bottom to allow all)
  • Confirm the choice by clicking OK
  • You can find further information at

Google Chrome
  • Open Google Chrome
  • Click the “Tools” button then select “Settings” and then “Advanced settings”
  • Under “Privacy” select the “Content settings” button
  • With the “Cookies” tab it is possible to deselect cookies and save your preferences
  • You can find further information at this link

  • Open Safari
  • Select “Preferences” from the tool bar then select the “Security” panel in the following window
  • In the section “Accept cookies” it is possible to specify if and when Safari should save cookies from websites
  • You can find further information at
Fonte normativa Cookies